28 04, 2014


By |2024-11-11T20:31:32+11:00April 28th, 2014|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Running Mums Australia is always looking for promotional activities that will interest and benefit our members. For all enquiries related to reviews, giveaways, sponsorships, events, ambassadorships and advertising please contact us at runningmumsaustralia@gmail.com

25 04, 2014

Signing up for your first event.

By |2021-02-16T11:19:07+11:00April 25th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

You have been running for quite some time, or maybe you have only just started and your crazy running friend thought it would be fun for you to join her on a 'fun run'. The fun run might be 2.5km, or 5km, or perhaps its a half marathon, and now you find yourself rocking in [...]

22 04, 2014

Why Marathon?

By |2021-02-16T11:19:07+11:00April 22nd, 2014|Training Tips, Uncategorized|0 Comments

This week in the Facebook group the question was asked. Why do a marathon? What makes you want to run for 42.2km? What makes you get up early in the morning for many many miles over many many months and go through ALOT of hard slog to get to marathon day? Why risk the cost [...]

15 04, 2014

The Science behind compression socks and sleeves

By |2021-02-16T11:19:07+11:00April 15th, 2014|Training Tips, Uncategorized|1 Comment

To really understand how compression socks and sleeves work, it’s important to have a basic understanding of how blood flows through the body. The heart pumps oxygen containing blood to our extremities and working muscles though arteries. Once the cells use the oxygen and other nutrients from the blood, the then deoxygenated blood, along with [...]

11 04, 2014

Unicorns, ultrarunning and all things in between – an ultramarathon experience.

By |2021-02-16T11:19:07+11:00April 11th, 2014|Running Stories, Uncategorized|1 Comment

 To tell my story I need to go back to May 2013 when my husband Wes, did his first Ironman at Port Macquarie. I was currently training for my first marathon at South West Rocks to be held on the June long weekend. I was out for a long run one morning and thought I’d [...]

4 04, 2014

Why do you run?

By |2021-02-16T11:19:08+11:00April 4th, 2014|Training Tips, Uncategorized|0 Comments

image from google Its dark. Its early. And its freezing. The alarm goes off and you bounce out of bed, throw on your running gear and your off. The first few kilometres are hard. You can't get your breathing right, your legs are tired. You dream of being back in your bed, but then, all [...]

24 03, 2014


By |2021-02-16T11:19:08+11:00March 24th, 2014|Running Stories, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Here at Running Mums Australia we have many members who are going all out and running international events. Today we meet one of them, Rachel who lives in Central Australia. She is going far far away to run her second half marathon in the lovely old city of Prague. In this interview you will hear [...]

20 03, 2014


By |2021-02-16T11:19:08+11:00March 20th, 2014|Running Stories, Uncategorized|4 Comments

As you all know, we love celebrating our members. Today we celebrate one or our own who is travelling all the way to the PARIS MARATHON this April to fulfil the dream of running her third marathon. When I heard this I just had to have her feature here on the blog. One, I love [...]