On Episode 60 we speak with RMA Emma Grey! Emma hails from Central West NSW, and we chat to her about what it is like to live and train in the country compared to the city!

We discuss how Emma came to running during lockdown to help cope with the overwhelming job of home schooling, remote working and parenting and to give herself some time for her, and some healthy boundaries around her life.

Emma started by running around her property, then she found parkrun, and then she met an RMA! The rest was a slippery slope! Since Emma started running she has run at numerous events, gotten a coach (Jenny Morris) and has even been on the podium at a few races!

Of course, this is because Emma has talent, but on top of that she enjoys challenging herself and working hard towards the goals that she sets for herself, even when it means running the perimeter of her property, or having to travel away from home to get the training in that she needs due to rural living.

We discuss things like safety, community, the beauty and challenges of her surroundings when running in a rural location, and what she has planned next on her running adventures!

To follow Emma, visit her on instagram over at @emma_grey85.

This episode was brought to you by fisiocrem Australia.

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