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This time last year I was training for my very first Marathon.The Gold Coast Marathon. I had mixed emotions as I was excited but also nervous. Nervous not because I had entered and I had to run a very long way, but just that ugly saying “hitting the wall”.

I started training back in February last year and decided to train for the whole 20 weeks, not the 16 week programme that was introduced since it was my first. I trained in all sorts of weather 5 days a week in heavy rain, sunshine, night time, wind, you name it I was out there. Weeks would pass distances were increased and the body got stronger. Some days I didn’t feel like running that day/night but I soon put my runners on and out the door I went and plodded along those pavements.

Not only did I put my hand up to run this crazy run I also decided to run for a charity. Was I nuts? I was putting a lot of pressure on myself just to complete this damn race let alone running for “Homeless Kids”. That was one of the major motivators to just get me out the door, knowing it’s not just me involved in this marathon but kids as well who are struggling with life.

Well after 20weeks of training friends & family were asking “what time do you think you will do” and my answer was simple “I don’t care I just want to cross the finish line injury free and within the time frame” The clock time was not my concern it was to accomplish the 42.2 kms and get that medal.  Well that I did.

I started right at the back I think I was one of the last because when I turned around there was nobody. I knew I had 7 1/2 hrs to finish and I was in no hurry. As I reached the 5km mark I ran past our hotel where we were staying and Mum & my husband & our boys were cheering me on. I was yelling out hi and waving, I was on a high.

Throughout the race there was so much going on. The bands playing, spectators cheering, and best of all getting called  out your name as you have your name on your bib that is really special. I had KIWI and man did I get lots of cheers. The entertainment just kept going and going. As we were heading towards Burleigh Heads around the 12km mark the elite runners were coming back they were so quick it was great to see them coming pass almost touching you as they flashed pass. It’s not everyday you see the Kenyans & Japanese run pass you. All us marathoners cheered and clapped as they brushed past us. I had goosebumps it felt so good.

Kilometres past and I was coming back past our hotel when my two sons ran down from the hotel balcony to greet me. I gave them a hug each and told them to run with me to the end of the street, that they did then ran back as I kept going. I had caught up to a lot of runners at the half way mark and I felt great. My body was in no shape to stop every step was getting closer to the finish and I could see the Skyscrapers getting closer and closer, but little did I know we still had a lot of distance to cover.

I had gone past the skyscrapers and it was around the 30km mark where my sister yelled out “Go Lianne”. Marisa and my mum had travelled from Nelson NZ to see my event. Marisa even did the Half, so she had finished and out of all the thousands spotted me and yelled out. It was great to hear a familiar voice.

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Most runners by now had stopped running and were walking, but I was not stopping. My head was in a good space and my body still felt good, so there was no way I was going to stop just because others around me had. Around the 35km mark we headed towards the water and wow a head wind, but I was not alone and spectators were still on the side of the road cheering. When I reached the 40km mark I knew I was home and not long to go.

As we were getting closer the crowd got louder and I don’t know how but once I hit that beautiful soft blue run way it was all go from there. I sprinted from the time I hit those blue mats till the finish line. Wow what a feeling. It was amazing and to have my Mum, sister, husband and our two sons with open arms at the finish was UNBELIEVABLE. This is one hell of a great event I would be doing it again this year but decided to run the Auckland Marathon in November.

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My time was 4:40:01. After spending a week in the Gold Coast we drove back down to Sydney and I volunteered and ran in the Sydney 10k Race. I was still on a high and manage to run 2mins slower than the previous year. I did 54mins which wasn’t too bad considering I was suppose to be resting.  So in those 8 days I did a marathon and a 10k race .  But it didn’t stop there, my local running club asked me to do 100km Oxfam!!!!!!  Yep 3 weeks later I did Oxfam with a great bunch of people.

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Was I going mad or was this adrenalin just taking over?. I’m sure it’s not normal. That was one hell of an experience as well and one I won’t forget. I could write a story on it but I think I’ve taken a lot of your precious  time.  But wait there’s more…. I also did the Blackmores Half 4 weeks after Oxfam!.  My motto is NEVER NEVER GIVE UP and take these opportunities when they arise as you only live once.

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