23 04, 2015

Paris Marathon Wrap Up

By |2021-02-16T11:18:50+11:00April 23rd, 2015|international events, marahon, Race recap, Running Stories|0 Comments

 Hey RMA crew! Just been supporting at the Paris marathon and actually now mid flight heading for New York then Boston marathon this weekend. The Paris race was awesome. It should be on everyone's bucket list. Best to get there on the Thursday or Friday before to settle in and fight the jet lag! The [...]

14 04, 2015

Breaking my Sub 5 Hour Marathon. By Catherine Ross.

By |2021-02-16T11:18:51+11:00April 14th, 2015|marathon, Member stories, Running Stories|4 Comments

So, how did I come to be running the marathon in Canberra on Sunday and trying to break 5 hours? This is my story. As long as I have known my amazing husband of 25 years he had wanted to do an Ironman race. Once we had kids that went on the back-burner - training [...]

10 04, 2015

Ten tips to survive your first race

By |2021-02-16T11:18:51+11:00April 10th, 2015|race, racing, running, Training Tips|0 Comments

Race season is upon us ladies and for many of you this is your first encounter to what will become a very big addiction! Welcome to the wonderful world of racing! Wether you are racing on a track, a road or a trail, racing is an experience you will never forget. It might be your first, [...]

3 04, 2015

No Pain, No Gain?  Pushing through the Barrier. – By Jessica Trengove

By |2021-02-16T11:18:51+11:00April 3rd, 2015|cross country championships, psychology, racing, running, Training Tips|2 Comments

Jessica Trengove, April 2nd 2015 The airport scene has become a little too familiar in recent months. This time I am homeward bound for the Easter long weekend and rather than make the same old mistake of draining my phone battery, I opted to put my laptop to use. One week ago today, a small [...]

23 03, 2015

Age is no barrier – Kristine Bell and the New York Marathon.

By |2021-02-16T11:18:51+11:00March 23rd, 2015|marathon, Member stories, Running Stories|0 Comments

Oh my goodness the New York  Marathon it had been on my bucket list for 8 years since I started running, now 61  this was my Birthday present from my incredible, inspiring Son Terence. DREAMS DO COME TRUE with 15mths of training. Sunday 2 Nov 2014 I started my wave at 10.30am in the New York Marathon with  Terence. We stayed [...]

28 02, 2015

Wangaratta Marathon race report by Michelle Esdale

By |2021-02-16T11:18:51+11:00February 28th, 2015|marathon, Race recap, running mums, Running Stories, wangaratta|0 Comments

I met some wonderful ladies at this event and the support beforehand was also incredible (and nothing short of what many of you have experienced through this group I am sure!). Megan Wood did an amazing job of coordinating all of us beforehand, organising a tent for the day, a location for us to meet [...]

20 12, 2014

2014. New beginnings, running for the Royal, fit families and smashing goals By Kassandra Reynolds (Sunshine Coast RMA admin).

By |2021-02-16T11:18:54+11:00December 20th, 2014|half marathon, marathon, Members stories, running mums, Running Stories|0 Comments

To be honest, 2014 started pretty awfully! As a result of playing mixed touch football, and coming off second-best, my collarbone was completely snapped in half and I required surgery! After two surgeries, pins and plates, my shoulder was back together and I had to heal. With a loving husband who works very long hours [...]

6 12, 2014

Running my first ultra marathon – by Nicole Bunyon

By |2021-02-16T11:18:54+11:00December 6th, 2014|marathon, Running Stories, ultramarathon|0 Comments

This post has been a long time coming. I ran my my first ultra marathon on the 2nd of November, yet here we are in mid December and I have only just found the time and the words to recount exactly what this race meant to me. The dream all began last September when I [...]

23 11, 2014

Running through the depths of depression – Allirra’s New York Marathon story.

By |2021-02-16T11:18:54+11:00November 23rd, 2014|marathon, Members stories, Running Stories|2 Comments

For those who have followed my story this year know that it has been an amazing 6 months. From being selected for the Indigenous Marathon Project to completing my first marathon within 5 months of training. It has been an exhilarating 6 months meeting amazing people, running in the most beautiful places in the world [...]

11 11, 2014

An interview with Commonwealth Games medalist Jess Trengove…..

By |2021-02-16T11:18:54+11:00November 11th, 2014|interview, marathon|0 Comments

Running Mums Australia is so excited to share this recent interview with super athlete and 2014 Commonwealth Games Bronze medalist Jess Trengove. Jess is an amazing marathon runner and I remember clearly the night we were all watching in awe of her stunning performance this year where she took home the bronze medal in Glasgow. Jess's [...]

25 10, 2014

Pacing in the Melbourne Marathon – by Erin Black

By |2021-02-16T11:18:54+11:00October 25th, 2014|marathon, Members, pacing, Running Stories|1 Comment

I applied to be a pacer in the Half Marathon at Melbourne several months before the event, I knew it wouldn’t be a great idea for me to race an event so close to New York Marathon but I still wanted to be involved and participate in Melbourne, hence the idea to apply to be [...]

25 10, 2014

THE BERLIN MARATHON 2014 – By Clare Wardle

By |2021-02-16T11:18:55+11:00October 25th, 2014|marathon, Members, Members stories, Running Stories|0 Comments

I decided to treat myself and my daughter (6yo Miss G) to a European holiday to celebrate turning 40.  During the planning stages a friend told me he was going to run the Berlin marathon to celebrate his 50th birthday, and as I’d never been to Germany I told him we’d come as his support [...]

16 10, 2014

My Marathon story – by Geraldine Bilson

By |2021-02-16T11:18:55+11:00October 16th, 2014|marathon, Members, Members stories, racereview, Running Stories|2 Comments

My admiration for marathoners, and the ability to run a full 42.2 km began in 1990. I was 8 years old, and I watched my Dad run his first marathon (in a time of 3 hours, 22 minutes).  I was so proud, and completely in awe of my Dad; father of 5 children, running his [...]