1 04, 2019

Run2Cure – A personal story by Jill May

By |2021-02-16T11:18:26+11:00April 1st, 2019|fit families, Member stories|1 Comment

As with so many other personal interests that take a backseat when you become a parent, running wasn’t something I was finding much time for a few years ago. At our peak fitness pre-kids, my husband Lindsay and I were running regularly and had completed a few half marathons, but other priorities had taken over, [...]

30 04, 2016

A Runner’s Vacation?

By |2021-02-16T11:18:46+11:00April 30th, 2016|fit families, Training Tips|0 Comments

How do you define a holiday? A coastal paradise, a relaxing retreat set amongst the bush or close to a national park, a mountainous mecca, or a secluded country breakaway? Well, if you’re a runner, chances are the idea of a vacation takes on a completely different meaning to that which non- runners contemplate. Recently, [...]

25 01, 2016

The pregnancy files, the final instalment by Mel Sykes-Bridge

By |2021-03-01T10:04:06+11:00January 25th, 2016|fit families, Members, Members stories, pre-natal exercise, pregnancy, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Here is what is probably my last P file installment before the birth of my little girl I have now reached 37 weeks! The past 7 weeks have been filled with lots of walking and approx 2 runs a week. I haven’t really had an opportunity to get out much without my almost 3 year [...]

28 03, 2015

Taking the lead…..when running impacts families

By |2021-02-16T11:18:51+11:00March 28th, 2015|fit families, healthy families, Running Stories|0 Comments

Can you believe that Obesity among Australian's has more than doubled in the last 5 years? That statistics predict that by 2025, if current trends continue, 80% of Australians and a THIRD of Australian children will be obese or overweight! Its no wonder with the lifestyles that we have become accustomed to. Our society is [...]