Did you ever challenge yourself with a goal that brought not only your community together but brought pure joy to your life, and you did it because you just love what you do? That’s the story of Jordan the Runner. Jordan Maki-Richards who was born in South Carolina in the USA lives with her husband and two young girls in Tumut in the Snowy Mountains in NSW.

In May 2023 Jordan set herself a challenge to run 200km from her front door in Tumut across the Snowy Mountains, crossing her finish line in Thredbo; a place considered the pinnacle of Australia’s mountain playgrounds. As most mums would agree, this would take a lot of time out of the family schedule, and we chat to Jordan about how she made this possible, how she trained and what things she needed to put in place for her safety and her sanity to make this goal a possibility.

Jordan showcased the traverse of her incredible backyard through the short film by Tom’s Outdoors, “Jordan the Runner”. Through this film we see the power of community and the journey of one woman to continue to discover her joy though the simple movement of running, inspiring in us all to seek possibility in your own backyard!

But we don’t stop there; we find out a heap more about this humble Mum athlete and what makes her tick, including some of her incredible accomplishments to date such as:

4th Female at Cascade Crest 100mile in Washington USA in 2022,

2nd place at the Buffalo Stampede Grand Slam in 2022,

1st Place Female at the Buffalo Stampede in 2023 and

11th place Female this year at the Hardrock 100 in the USA.

Let this episode inspire you as you seek to find your own joy in Running and what is possible for you.

You can watch “Jordan the Runner” here.

You can follow Jordan over on Instagram here.

You can read her blog here.

This episode is brought to you by fisiocrem Australia.

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