For all of those people that are feeling the weight right now, I see you. The hardest part is feeling like there is no end in sight on this long journey. Officially we are now into the back end of the year, and wow, what a ride so far! I know this will be such a difficult time for many of us, especially our RMA sisters in Victoria right now. More than ever we need to stay connected and united to see us through to the end of what seems like a very long tunnel. In some ways this is like running an ultra. I think this experience we are embarking on with Covid-19 and how it has summersaulted our lives into an unknown abyss should draw on some of the things that I would normally like to use as tools for whenever I embark on a long adventure or race. These are the most important things to have in your tool-kit:

A crew. 
A crew is a support network of people to help you when you otherwise can’t do it alone. They are there to protect and guide you, be your anchor and feed you when you forget to feed yourself (mentally speaking here). They are your strength and support when you feel low, your happiness to get you to the next checkpoint. They are your PEOPLE. So, find a good support crew. Who are the people in your world you can lean on? Lean in and support each other through this time. 

A good playlist. 
A good playlist can get you through a tough patch in an ultra. It seems like such a long way to go, or maybe it’s only just over the next mountain to the finish line, but you are tired and feel like you can’t go on. A good playlist will help distract you and comfort you, or even spur you on, kick the legs into gear and see you finish the race strong. Obviously your playlist could be music at this time, it could be a podcast, but what I am saying is surround yourself with good things and people to listen to and speak into your life. Block out the negativity of the media and find good people and things to fill your time and your soul. Positivity breeds positivity. Simple.

Good fuel. 
Pretty straight forward. Without good nutrition in any event you are going to bonk big time. Preparation and planning comes into play here. Your body is a temple. In times of stress and anxiety it is important to look after your health. Cook healthy delicious food, hydrate and keep your body fuelled with healthy nutritious food to avoid getting sick and run down. 

As with good food, we need rest after an event, sometimes we need it during a long one too and we will take time at the checkpoints to gather what we need, and fuel our bodies for the road ahead. Keep checking in with yourself. What is it you are feeling right now and what do you need to keep going? Allow your body to rest and recover at the moment. If there are no events on the horizon, this is a perfect time for you to practice rest. Pull your training back to base phase and let your body rest and recover. Get adequate sleep of 8 hours night, take time during the day to meditate, stretch or roll, practice yoga or read a good book! 

Get outside.
As with all good events, they are often held in the beauty of nature. Ever done an event where there was just nothing to see? Did you sign up again? Probably not. I always choose the courses that will speak deep into my soul, get right into the guts of my spirit and help me feel most alive. So each day, week, whenever you can get outside into nature. Find a trail or track along a coast-line, through a forest, by a river, or if you are in a city, in a beautiful park and go there. Let nature help you refresh your spirit every single day.

By Nicole Bunyon