28 02, 2017

Dusk till Dawn recap by Ana Croger

By |2021-02-16T11:18:44+11:00February 28th, 2017|Member stories, Members stories, race report|0 Comments

2017 is my year of trying new things with running and Caboolture Dusk till Dawn fit the bill. I quickly ran it past Coach Jodie and I was surprised when she said I should enter the marathon. So with one week until the event I signed up for my first marathon of 2017. **NOTE I [...]

20 02, 2017

Running With MS… The Ups and Downs by Kylie Scales

By |2021-02-16T11:18:44+11:00February 20th, 2017|Member stories, Running Stories|8 Comments

My running story is a multi faceted story. I am a runner, I am a Mum and I also happen to have Multiple Sclerosis (MS). During my school years I found any and every excuse to ditch PE. I was never a sporty or athletic girl. As I was always a slim build I didn't [...]

12 02, 2017

Road to 100k part 3 by Nicole Bunyon

By |2021-02-16T11:18:44+11:00February 12th, 2017|Member stories, mental training, six foot marathon, Trail/Ultra Running, trailrunning, Uncategorised|8 Comments

Training for any long distance event, especially ultra's is tough, and I have been running and training for them them for 4 years now. Without a break really. I am beginning to wonder if it is all catching up with me. My first ultra was in 2015 and was the 60km race in Carcoar called [...]

7 02, 2017

Mother runners – the running journey of a mum and her daughter. Episode 2 – Sandi’s Journey.

By |2021-02-16T11:18:44+11:00February 7th, 2017|Members stories, Running Stories|3 Comments

  When I was young I was very active however when I got married and had 3 boys and a girl this was all put on hold. It wasn’t until my youngest, Mery, finished high school that I started exercising again. I was overweight and wanted to lose weight and get fit and so my [...]